
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Consultation and Future Plans

I will start with the most current. My hpt is still positive. Our nurse said she was impressed on how fast my levels were dropping. It doesn't seem fast to me at all. I have been bleeding almost daily since September 1st. My beta where I found out this wasn't viable was on September 11th and not to be a huge whine bag, I am So ready to be over this. When my levels hit zero, will I start AF again for new cycle? I am so confused on what should be happening right now. 

After I recieved a "good to go" from the RE, I started my new vitamin regimen and I guess it will take some time for my body to adjust. I have been feeling sick to my stomach. Guess taking that many vitamins will do that. 

We have our WTF went wrong appointment on November 7th. I am seriously thinking about asking my RE that exact question, WTF went wrong? Besides the fact my clinic made over $20,000 from us in a few short months. Here are some things he has touched on in the past, but never really went into depth or looked into future treatment:

  •  During my original hsg two years ago it showed that the dye wasn't going through my right tube.   And of course my right side is a complete slacker on egg production. We talked about this at the time and he felt that with one tube opened it was fine. He also stated just because dye didn't go through doesn't mean the tube was blocked. The only way to confirm this was by doing a lap. He didn't suggest it then. At our appointment I want to revisit this issue and see if he would consider doing a lap and trying to clear the tube if blocked.
  • Since treatment we had three chemical pregnancies and the last one even though it ended up  ectopic, we still don't know that it wasn't bad quality either. I want to discuss further testing on us to see if we are carriers of chromosomal issues. If you all remember last year I brought this question up during our iui's and they ran a few test that claimed to be the most important. Everything came back normal
  • Lupus. Two years ago I went through extensive testing for Lupus due to abnormal ANA test (3 times) and issues I was having with joints etc. I wasn't given a primary diagnosis and she said it is such a hard disease to diagnose. She believed it was very possible I was in early stages and wanted me to check back in with her in few years. Its been a few years and I have noticed more symptoms. I  now almost always have the butterfly rash on my face and within the last few months I am having horrible pain in my left hip joint that never goes away
  •   My husband had all the work up done on his sperm. He tested within normal ranges but on the low side with some morphology issues. I started him on a fertility blend vitamin for men.
  • My eggs. I guess I will just come out and ask if my eggs are all shit. That seems to be a real possibility.  I will need to understand why we were able to do a 5 day transfer with (b) quality and then a 3 day with (b) quality. If my eggs are complete shit, wouldn't they be lower quality then a b? I know in school a b is pretty damn good!
Now on to the reason I am trying to get all these answers. I found out last month that our insurance will cover blood work and ultrasounds, plus appointments for iui's. The only thing we would have to pay for is the procedure and medications. Well I still have two full boxes of 900iu of Follistim we can use. So the procedures would cost about $400 out of pocket per procedure. We want to do 5 or 6 more, but only if my RE thinks it is even an option with all our failures to date. I know I said we were moving on and in a sense we are. We did come to the conclusion 100% no more ivfs. I know the success rate is so much higher for ivf verses iui. So is the cost financially, physically, and mentally.  We don't want to drain anymore of our money and put ourselves in huge debt for something with no guarantee.

So anyway this is where we are at. I am ashamed to say that I was going to keep all of this to myself and if we got pregnant, not share it until we felt things would work. I was so tired of disappointment. I was also tired of sharing disappointment with so many of you. The fact is, you are my support system and I need you guys, through the good and the bad. So with that being said, I decided to stay open with this community.

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