
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Allergies & Honey Boo Boo

Oklahoma weather has definitely thrown a wrench in my plans to feel better. Ragweed is at a all time high and I never knew that I was effected by it until now. The last three days I have been plain miserable. My eyes are running like a faucet and my throat is soooo sore, along with headache and well, my whole head hurts like hell. Thank goodness I have a huge variety of hot green teas at work. Oklahoma weather is just crazy and UN-predictable For example, yesterday we hit 85 degrees and Saturday it is going to be in the 40's with wind chill in 30's, then the next day back in high 70's again.

So last night while crocheting, we watched SouthPark. I am usually not a big fan of that show, but I am less of a fan of the Presidential Debate. Of course I won't go into my political views or lack of on here though. Anyway have any of you heard of Honey Boo Boo? She is a obese little girl that originally was on Toddlers and Tiaras and now has her own disgusting show and is making $20,000 an  episode. I'm not sure exactly what is more disturbing, that a channel called THE LEARNING CHANNEL would air this shit or that people like us actually sit down and watch it. I won't say that I have watched an episode of it because I haven't. The commercials are enough to make me want to vomit and personally slap the stupid out of her mother.  Well of course South Park did an episode on Honey Boo Boo last night that also went on to talk about all the obese people in Walmart on scooters therefore truly handicap people can't use them. Well I never have expected much from the makers of this show either. It is for the most part offensive and at some levels disturbing. I was happy to see they brought to light the fact that The Learning Channel is making money off a obese little girl who will probably have a heart attack by the age of 20. Pretty damn shameful... I just wonder when people will wake up and realize that some of these shows are just plain awful and we shouldn't be helping these networks to make millions of dollars off of uneducated families and/or people.

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