
Monday, October 8, 2012

A dash of this and a dash of that

The title basically sums of my post today. A dash of this and a dash of that. I went in this morning for beta #10. UPDATE came back at 161.

 I did POAS last night and there is still a second line, but I feel pretty confident we should be below 100 today. Also, I did a lot of research last week on vitamins/supplements and decided to start a new regimen which includes:

B6-200mg day
D3- 2000 twice day 
Prenatal x3 day (since I take the all natural ones)
COQ10- 200 x3 day
DHEA-25mg day
Aspirin-80mg day
Vitamin C- 500mg day
Royal Jelly-teaspoon day

I sent the list in with my nurse today so my RE could put his stamp of approval and add any others he sees fit.  I know there is not really any scientific proof on these supplements, but it can't hurt, so why not.

This weekend was pretty cold and felt damn good. We had our first fire of the year and all the animals in the Rapp zoo loved it! Here are a few pics: I didn't get pics of all the dogs and cats though.

                          Boomer yawning...
                        So relaxed he fell asleep
             Lilly sat there almost all weekend.

So we had some really happy pets!

I also worked on my sister's OSU (Oklahoma State University) blanket. For the record I can't STAND OSU, but a promise is a promise. I think it looks hideous. 

Finally, my husband decided to go out and mow on Sunday morning and it was 42 degrees outside! I must admit that our yard looks pretty amazing though :)

Guess that is about all for this post. It feels pretty weird just blogging about my usual everyday life and not pee sticks, injections, embryos etc. Still trying to get used to that one.

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