
Sunday, September 2, 2012


I want to start this post off tonight and from this day forward, that if you know me in real life PLEASE KEEP THIS TO YOURSELF. If a pregnancy does come out of this, I want to share it and I don't want ANYTHING said on Facebook.

With that being said, second of all..... I am already feeling some guilt that my test are turning positive and there are other woman on here that have to look at 100 pics of my pee test. I don't blame you if you don't want to look at them anymore. My beta isn't until Thursday so there will be more to follow.

Without further a due here is my FRER for tonight:

I am in complete shock and disbelief. I just never thought this cycle was going to work. I know it is really early but it is looking promising! Please pinch me and tell me I am not dreaming. 

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