
Saturday, September 1, 2012


So I got up at 4:45 this morning and used a FRER and to my surprise there wasn't a line, well there was a shade of a line (just like my chemical pregnancy in December). I went back to bad really sad and feeling defeated. I just got up again and took two more. On my wondfo same line as last night it hasn't gotten any darker and on the FRER same thing, just shade of a line. There are only three possibilities of what is happening:
1.   Another chemical pregnancy
2. It hasn't even been a fully 24 hours since I originally started testing. Maybe levels are rising yet.
3. Looks like I had implantation yesterday morning so it might still be took early.

I hope it is choice 3. I still have mild cramping but no other symptoms. I just told my husband that I am off to Walgreens for some more FRER and digital test. He said it is only going to make me crazy. Well when it comes to the tww that is a given regardless what I do.

So anyway I know so many of you are rooting for me and I just wanted to give an update this morning. I am still trying to keep hope just because of the symptoms as far as cramping and the brown spotting yesterday.

I will take any prayers, hopes or wishes.................................................

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