
Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday. I have been working on crocheting some washcloths until Hobby Lobby opens tomorrow. I told my sister I would make her a OSU blanket (even though they lost their 2nd game of season, LMAO!)

As you noticed I am still putting days after transfer verses weeks pregnant. I know my 2nd beta almost tripled, but I am still spotting. I called my clinic this morning to see if I could go in tomorrow for my blood test verses Tuesday. I was told no.
Since we are doing all my blood work has been every 2 days (even day) and tomorrow would be 3 days (which is odd day) . Seriously? I explained that I am scared about the bleeding and I have zero symptoms. Looks like I am waiting until Tuesday and I am not very happy about it.

So I broke my promise and bought a few more pee sticks this morning. I know they can't indicate if my levels are rising like they should. My last bloodwork was Friday and I was 13DP3DT and my levels were 148. So it is very possible things are the same right now. I have to admit that looking at two dark lines does make me feel a little more at ease. At least I am pregnant as of today. 

I really don't know how those of you that went passed the original tww and had to do this, did this. 

Quick rundown of maybe symptoms and symptoms I don't have.

Frequent urge to pee (No)
Sore boobs (No)
Fatigue (Maybe)
Cramps (On and Off)
Weird sensations in uterus (Yes)
Spotting (Definitely)
Headaches ( not for last two days)
Bachache (No)
Nausea (Not really)
Thirsty (Not really) 

Guess I am off to crocheting. I am really trying to keep my mind busy but nothing seems to work. I am scared to even think about being pregnant due to the fact of things going wrong. No wonder I have so much anxiety. I am so freaking high strung and I don't think anything will never change that. I wish I wasn't the "glass half empty" girl.

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