
Thursday, September 6, 2012

12DP3DT (15DPO)

As of today I am pregnant. Wow did I just say that? I had a lot of time to lay in bed last night and reflect about things. First I will tell you why I was in bed by 8:00 p.m. last night. My husband shot me in a nerve again last night. Poor guy I feel so bad for him having to give these progesterone shots. I tried not to show him how badly it hurt, but it hurt! As I laid in bed last night I thought about so many things. I did come to a conclusion on this pregnancy. Yes my numbers aren't near as high as many of my fellow bloggers on a successful pregnancy BUT, I am happy. Al and I have never made it this far. If I go in tomorrow and my levels have dropped then I will still be grateful to have made it to this point. Yes this was our last ivf, but it worked if even for only a few days to a week, it did work. That makes me smile :) knowing that one little boy or girl decided to fight and try to stick with us (hopefully for the rest of our lives). 

I also thought about how freaking crazy I went with the pee sticks. I am not going to lie, I am still confused what went down with that whole situation. I have seen PLENTY of ladies get progressions on their pee sticks! The only thing it did for me was turn me into a freaking crazy, paranoid lunatic. You will be happy to know that all the pee sticks in my house have been retired to the garbage can and I haven't tested since the night of 10DP3DT when my lines all but disappeared. 

Tomorrow is my 2nd beta and I truly hope that my numbers rise. It is completely out of my hands now and I have to trust that whatever happens is for the best. I am still having red spotting every morning. Usually two or three wipes and it is gone then the brown starts again. We up'd my progesterone to 1 1/2 cc's last night. Hopefully that will do the trick. I do know that bleeding of any color is VERY common among ivf patients so I am not really stressing about that at this point. 

Today Courtney from Our Pathway to Parenthood is having her FET transfer of two little embies. She had a super hard time during her fresh ivf retreival and wasn't able to transfer any at the time. So stop by and wish her good luck today!

My friend Stephanie from Sometimes is going through her D&C today after the loss of her sweet baby. My heart is breaking for her today. She is one of the strongest people I have met.  

Please keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow that my levels will rise.

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