
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Transfer Day

Had my transfer at 9:00 this morning. We transferred (3) embryos. (1) 7 cell, b quality, (1) 8 cell, b quality, and (1) 10/12 cell, b quality all with assisted hatching. I thought I would have to cry and beg my doctor to transfer three, but the firs thing he said when walking into the room was "  I have no problem transferring three today." I think in a way that made me feel even worse. The remaining (3) embryos were bad quality, as of today there were (2) c's and (1) d. So it is safe to say that we won't be freezing any. This go around I am choosing not to name the embryos or say I am PUPO ( the until proven otherwise) is really starting to get to me. 

Here are pics of today's transfer. Hopefully I will sound more excited another day.

Btw has anyone here had assisted hatching before? Does this cause implantation earlier then usual?

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