
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Question Answered

Today is Stims Day 5.....

This morning ultrasound went pretty well . I keep trying to remember something a friend said, "don't compare your ivf cycles". So every step of the way that is the first thing I want to do and then I talk myself out of it. This is a brand new cycle and anything can happen!

Here is a breakdown of my visit:

Stims Day (3) E2 levels were 151

Stims Day (5) E2 levels (308)
Uterine lining is at 7.5 today!
Right side ( 3 follicles around 11 and 12 smaller then 10)
Left side (3 follicles around 12 and 6 smaller then 10)

Dr. H asked me about ICSI this morning and if I remembered our conversation from a few weeks ago. I explained to him that I did remember and he had decided we would do 100% natural fertilization since the numbers were the same for that and ICSI. Then I told him I wasn't very comfortable with that decision. He went on to explain that he spoke with embryologist  and he recommended half ICSI and half natural again this time. I guess the last time even though my fertilization rate was the same, the eggs that fertilized naturally had a split nucleus which can effect the development of the embryos and stop further growth. I was definitely happy with this decision.

All and all I think I am pretty happy with the progress of this cycle. I am stimming much slower this time. I have less follicles and my lining is thicker. It seems that things are in better control. If this ivf doesn't work I can say with 100% certainty that we did everything possible for a successful cycle, but my body just refused to accept that.

One more question. Did any of you going through acupuncture for ivf have electric hooked up the the needles for better stimulation? I guess it is a very common practice for the Colorado Reproductive Medicine and they do have very high success rates. I was suppose to have it the last time, but I was over stimulating so much that we decided not to. This time I have had it once already and go in again tomorrow for the second treatment.

 We are upping the follistim from 150IU to 200IU. 

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