
Thursday, August 30, 2012


Honestly I will be so glad when all of this is over. Rather my test is positive or negative I just want to quit feeling so crummy. If the test comes out negative I am going back to the doctor to see if I can start my prozac and xanax again. I never imagined that after a year of having these attacks under control that they would come back with such a vengeance. I am having problems with go places and even at work today. It seems the only place they aren't bad is at home. Unless you have personally suffered with anxiety and panic attacks, it is so hard to understand the horrible nature of them. I have been to a few therapists and also psychiatrist and it has just left me with empty pockets and attacks. Ugh I just feel really bad today.

I am feeling lots of cramping this morning, but it is higher in my stomach (just below my belly button). I think that would be to high for implantation cramping.

FiveThe blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation 

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