
Friday, July 13, 2012

Infertility Funny Friday

I know that every single one of us can relate to this picture.

Today is day 8 back on bcp after my 3 day break from being on them for 14 days and (knock on wood) I haven't had any side effects yet. I am excited my first acupuncture appointment is next Tuesday so I might finally get some sleep! I also read an article on the Attain website yesterday that there is a study showing an increased chance of successful ivf cycle by including avacados and olive oils into your diet. Thought that was pretty interesting.

I am pretty stoked about this weekend. I am going to finally meet one of my infertility buddies from my blog and we are going to make newborn baby caps for infant child abuse awareness! It is really nice to have people you can actually talk about infertility with. Despite my sister and one or two friends in RL, it seems no one else really give a shit about what we have suffered through for 2 1/2 years. I know that it has really changed my mind about people and I have seriously lost a lot of respect. Well I dont want this to turn into  a negative post, I am trying to stay postive these days. I am thankful for the people in my life who choose to care about us everyday :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Also everyone keep your fingers crossed for Ali @ She is on 3DP5DT and could use lots of support from us!

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