
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hello my name is sore..

So as many of you know, we are planning on moving to Colorado in five years. I wanted to make sure that Cierra graduates and starts college etc before we go. Our house in about 1200 sq ft. and we also have three full grown dogs and two cats plus us three. There is not a lot of room. I told Al that I wanted to buy another place next year and keep for five years, then sell when we move to Colorado. Of course he wants to stay where we are and pay the house down so we will have plenty of money for a down payment on the new place (makes sense). I just want a bigger house! Guess as with infertility I will also have to be patient with staying in this house. I decided if we were staying then we are continuing with upgrades until we move so it is easier to sell and nicer to live in. Last year we ripped up the carpet in the living room and office and put down laminate flooring. It looks better and with shedding dogs it is so much easier to maintain. Yesterday we finally broke down and did our bedroom. Our master is SO small but at least now it looks really nice! Here are some pics:

And of course I can't forget a picture of Max doing what he does best:
On the infertility front, this is a quiet week for the most part. I am waiting on my ivf calendar this upcoming week. Started my bcp's again on Friday and starting up acupuncture next Tuesday.

Oh before I forget I wanted to post a pic of my blanket I started to crochet. Remember I just learned how to do this like 5 days ago!

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