
Monday, July 16, 2012

Hateful Bloggers Etc.

I have been thinking about this topic lately and would love to get some input back from others. A few months ago I personally had a hateful blogger put say really bad and hurtful things to me on my blog.  Infact months later I am still pissed about it for the fact that there are trolls out there that that completely over-step their bounds on another person's blog. Where is that line?  When it comes to commenting on a blog, is it your job to support another person going through infertility or similar circumstances? What if you completely disagree with what a blogger puts on their blog and it offends you? Is it  your place to voice your opinion with no regard of someones feelings? I know how I feel about this subject 100%. I started my blog to have a place to vent, cry, cuss, act crazy, have breakdowns and do all the other things I can't do in real life at my office or out in public, or voice emotions that I might not even want to do at home. I created a space for me and over the years I have met some incredible woman whom have shown me support throughout all the good and bad times. I think all of us want our blogs to be similar in that way and we all want support. Am I right? I guess I am just absolutely shocked that some adults will come on a blog and viciously attack you, judge you, and think it is okay. So anyway please give me some feedback on your opinion of Blog Trolls.

In lighter news, I went over and met Sara@ and yes she is as amazing in RL as her on her blog. She sat down and taught me how to make the newborn baby hats so we could donate them and it felt awesome. Here is a pic of our creations:
Now that I am a little more familar with reading patterns, I am going to try to make a few more before the October deadline. Mine wasnt as snug as Sara's but I am hoping that some lady has a 12 pound baby so my hat will fit :)

Today is also bcp day 11. I have to say that I am finally feeling side effects from them. It's kinda of funny in the fact I have more textbook pregnancy symptons on bcp then when I was actually in tww of ivf. Also lucky me is back to suffering from insomnia again. Thank goodness I go to the acunpuncturist tomorrow. I will be sure to get some extra needles so I can start sleeping. Next big day is next Tuesday the 23rd! Mock transfer and post op. Things are moving along and everyday is one day closer to seeing if we will be successful.

I am going to leave you guys with some random pictures from over the weekend:
My first dishtowel and washcloth set!

I walked in to see my kitty all crunched up in his bed and had to take a picture!

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