
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Birthday and Ivf Preparation

So this Saturday is my daughters 15th birthday. I find myself asking where has the time gone? She is turning into a beautiful young lady and I am so proud of her.  We aren't having a birthday bash this weekend. She decided to have a few girlfriends over and they are going to have a sleep over in the camper. Next weekend we rented a cabin on the river near lake Tenkiller along with my sister, brother-in-law and two neices. We are going to have cake and a little celebration for her then. Right now she is head over heels in love with the U.K. band, New Direction. Not sure if any of you are familar with them. Unfortnanetly I have been thrown into the New Direction craze! I bought her tickets for their concert coming to Dallas next year on her 16th birthday. Al and I are going to take her and her best friend to Dallas for the weekend and get a hotel about a block from the American Airlines Center where concert is. Cierra is so excited she started a countdown and tells me daily how many days are left. She has also put together an outfit for the concert. Guess I will have to buy that for her also :) If it happens that I am a mom to only one daughter,  I will have zero regrets. As much as I want another baby, I love my daughter so much and she is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I won't lie, we have had some rough times but I look back now and know I did a pretty damn good job.  I have a teenager that is not drinking, doing drugs, having sex, out of control and she is doing well in school. Now a days, that is a HUGE accomplishment.

Happy 15th birthday Cierra!

In other news, I went to my first acupuncture treatment of this new cycle. Talk about perfect timing. I haven't been sleeping but about two or three hours a night for the last few weeks. After my treatment I went home and slept for 8 hours! He also put the little metal bb's in my ears again for pressure points to help me sleep and referred me to some sleep herbs. I need to check with my RE first to see if I can take them while going through our ivf. This time I am less anxious. I am at  peace and I don't know why. I think it is going to work. Studies show more success each time you do ivf :) but if it doesn't, I am okay, I am really am. It is hard to explain but any of you going through treatments have been to this point at one time or another. I also finished ordering my meds yesterday for this cycle. 402.00! I was so happy and amazed. Last time it was over 1,000 and we still saved about 1,000 from the medications that were donated to us. This go around I had a two wonderful ladies donate Menopur which is $500.00 a box and progesterone suppositories. I still had 4 boxes of Follistim left over which is about $1,000 a box! I do realize how lucky and blessed we are to have such wonderful people in our lives. So all of my medications are here, ordered and paid for! Now our next big cost will be anesthesia at retreival and that is $500 up front the day of. All of the other cost at this point will be a few hundred here and there. And up to date we have spent right at $23,000 since January 2012 out of pocket on ivf. I know there are couples out there that have spent much more then this. It definitely eats a huge hole in your pockets though!

I missed it the other day but I just had my 2 1/2 year anniversary of trying to have my second child! In this instance time hasnt flew by.

Okay well I am done rambling on today!

Next big appointment: Monday, July 23rd! Mock transfer

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