
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pre-Op Consultation.

It was really weird walking into my RE's office this morning. I havent been there since our failed ivf back in early March. Everyone was really happy to see me and I was feeling not so happy to be starting down this road again. While waiting the Price Is Right was on and guess what, it was the expecting mother's edition. Sorry but I seriously had to laugh out loud on that one. My pulse was a nice 119 and for the millionth time I got to explain how that is my normal. After filling out paperwork and getting blood and urine, I was able to talk with Dr. H. He actually started out by talking to me about our embryo quality the first go around, which surprised me. As most of you know the two best quality ones we had were a "b grade" and the rest were crap. He said that within the last year they have switched over to a new way of culturing the embryos and the pregnancy rate is about the same but it seems that quality is not as good as the way it was done prior to last year. They have changed their protocol back to the way it was on culturing. He also explained to me that he doesnt feel we need to do ICSI again. 6 out of 7 fertilized naturally and 9 out of 10 fertilized with ICSI, so we have a wonderful fertilization rate either way. He also went on to explain that this surgery will be a little different then the one last year. He really wants to look closer at my cervix and make sure there arent any fibroids or poylps. He said that I do have a huge scar from my previous c section 14 years ago and that is part of the problem, but there has to be something else in there making it almost impossible for the catheter to pass through. He again told me that my transfer was the 2nd hardest he has ever done in his carreer. Hey at least I can achieve at something. We also discussed the  transfer being done through my abdomen and he has decided to have the catheter needed for that ready during our transfer. If it comes to it, he is going to do that procedure. This makes me somewhat relieved knowing that if there is a sign of trouble like last time, that we have another option. I dont want to lay on that bed for hour and a half again in pain.

All and all I think we had a successful consultation. I wont lie ladies, I am still not excited about this ivf coming up and I really dont see anything changing with it.

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