
Sunday, June 17, 2012

No Fun Sunday

My Sunday has been pretty crappy (literally). I had to go to the ER this morning because all of the urgent care centers were closed. As you know I have suffered from diarrhea for a week now. I woke up this morning to sharp pains in my stomach, nausea and still diarrhea. They said I may have a bacterial infection in my bowels. Thank god for pain shots. She gave me antibiotics, anti-diarrhea meds, stomach cramps and pain meds. If things aren't better within two days I have to go back in and been checked for possible parasite. I know that saying I have severe stomach pains doesn't sound that bad, but OMG this really hurts. Not sure if I will be visiting Mexico for a long while. I know that it is possible I didn't get anything from there but I have no idea what is going on or where it came from.

Okay back to bed...

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