
Friday, June 29, 2012

More Surgery Details

I was so scared going into this surgery this morning. When I woke up I had a beautiful post on my facebook wall from Courtney @ Pathway to Parenthood. It seriously brought tears to my eyes and helped put my mind to ease somewhat. I don't think you will ever know how much that post meant to me Court, thank you from the bottom of my heart. She also mentioned that we would be getting pregnant together and then  a light went on in my head. I have a cycle buddy and I know that I couldn't have picked a better person to do this with. Okay ladies I might be excited about this. Oh and every time I burp it tastes like a sterilized tube, yuck!

Surgery went well and the fibroid that Dr. H removed was sitting smack dab in the middle of my road to the great uterus. I guess this wasn't seen on the u/s due to to it being hidden by my cervix. When we have done my transfer before plus my iui's they always got stuck at 3 cm in and then again at 5cm. The fibroid was located at exactly 3 cm inside and then the ridges were located at 5 cm. When coming out of anesthesia my blood pressure was pretty high but my pulse was VERY high so they gave me additional medications to lower it and by the time I left it was down to 110 and my bp was 145/78. My doctor seems to be very happy with this find and lets keep our fingers crossed that the transfer goes well. I have post op appointment on July 9th (I think). As of now I stay on my birth control pills until I hear from Doctor on Monday. August 11th is right around the corner and I think that I might be ready for this. I think this surgery today gave me some hope.

Also I know that my spelling and punctuation is always bad, but today it is horrible. Sorry :(

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