
Monday, May 14, 2012


Yes today is 8DPO and Im not sure why I even bother typing this. I think the only good thing about trying out a clomid cycle was that it lengths my cycle. Now I wont be having a visit from AF on my vacation to Mexico, which is awesome btw. Only 20 days! I have purchased three swimsuits, beach dresses, biodegrable sunscreen because I care about the sea life (as you can tell by my tattoo). Gosh I need this, I really, really need this.

I bought an older 1996 pop up camper a few weeks ago. We love to go camping as much as possible throughout the year. Al has spent last two weeks scraping off old decals, removing all the old fixtures, repainting it and we are having a friend do custom decals of the mountains to put back on. Luckily he was able to do everything short of decals so we can use it this weekend! Our first camping trip of the season and I cant wait. My sister and her family are also coming. We are having a camping birthday party for my sweet niece. I bought her a pogo ball for her birthday. I dont know how many of you remember the pogo ball, but I spend countless hours of my life hopping around on one.

I leave you with some pics of our pop up restoration project......

 When we first purchased

 Everything stripped off and first coat of paint

New paints and lights. Just waiting on decals

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