
Thursday, May 17, 2012


11dpo and no good news. Honestly I didnt even bother testing this morning and just put this cycle in my growing BFN column. Oh well, I will start clomid again for one more cycle before we start our surgery and preparing for ivf #2. My stomach literally turned when I typed out ivf #2. Yikes! I am not even going into that today........

Well our camper is loaded and we are ready for our camping trip this weekend. I am super excited about this one. Last time I went to this lake was when I was about 10 or possibly younger. I would go and watch all of the men with their 50ft rods fishing under the dam with all the white water rushing out. It was such a fun experience. My grandfather would pull 100 + lbs of blue and catfish out of this dam. I always remember watching them fight and reel these monster's in. Of course I dont have the big daddy rod, but plan on doing my share of fishing this weekend. My brother in law will hopefully be fishing at the damn and I can go sit down there for a bit and watch him. Hopefully they have the gates open so there is plenty of white water! Yes in case you were thinking this, I am not the typical middle age woman. I love football, fishing & camping! I dont like shopping and I hate doing my nails. I think the last time I had a manicure and my nails done was for a friends wedding two years ago.

16 days until Mexico! We are thinking about doing a speed boat excursion. Its a two person speed boat and they give you lessons, then off you go through the ocean! The biggest thing I want during our trip is total relaxation and hopefully a different mindset coming back and going into our ivf. I want to spend time with Al, laughing, talking, and loving each other.

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